Getting Started

What do I need to know?

To use FEZ, you will need to be aware of what OpenType programming is and what capabilities are available: for example, what a contextual substitution does, what a feature is, and so on. If you’ve ever worked with the examples in the OpenType Cookbook, you will be fine. If not, I recommend starting with my Introduction to OpenType Programming.

For slightly advanced usage of FEZ, you’ll want to know regular expressions. (You can get by without them, but they’ll make things so much cooler.) RegexOne is a great tutorial for people who like to learn by experiment and example.

In order to develop your own plugins, which you will want to do if you are automating particularly tricky rules, you will need to know Python. FEZ uses some Python libraries to inspect the font file (Babelfont 3) and to represent OpenType rules (fontFeatures). Learning how to use these libraries would be useful, but you should be able to pick up the main ideas just by reading and modifying the examples in this documentation.


FEZ is a Python library; you can install it with pip install fez-language.

Hello FEZ

To use Adobe’s AFDKO language, you write a .fea file; to use FEZ, you write a .fez file.

Ah, but of course, it’s a little more complicated than that. Because AFDKO is built into most font editors, the process of writing out the feature file and compiling the rules into the binary font is all done behind your back. Since FEZ is not built into font editors, we have to do some of this work by hand.

Let’s assume we have a fairly standard setup: we have a Glyphs source file in source/MyFont.glyphs, and we export our fonts to fonts/ttf/MyFont-Regular.ttf. If you’re using a different font editor, don’t worry - just adjust the instructions appropriately for your source file.

Let’s first create our FEZ file with some rules in. You can really put the FEZ file wherever you like, but I would recommend placing it inside the source/ directory as well. We’ll create a file in a text editor (I use Sublime Text, but anything will do) called source/MyFont.fez. It doesn’t have to be called that, but that’s what we’re going to call it. Paste in the following contents and save it:

Feature liga {
  Substitute f f -> f_f;

We’re going to compile this into our font in three short steps:

  • First, export the font as normal from your font editor. It won’t have any feature rules, but that’s OK for now. I’ll assume we have our font sitting in fonts/ttf/MyFont-Regular.ttf.

  • Now we’ll convert our FEZ file into an AFDKO .fea file. Again, it’s up to you where you put this and what you call it, but an emerging standard is to create a directory source/build for things which are generated as part of the build process. Let’s make an empty directory called build under source/.

    To convert FEZ to AFDKO, we use a command-line utility called fez2fea. This was installed when we installed fez-language above. From a terminal application sat inside the root directory of the font project, do this:

    fez2fea source/MyFont.glyphs source/MyFont.fez > source/build/features.fea


    fez2fea (font source) (FEZ source) > (where to put FEA file)

    Notice that we give fez2fea the font source file as well as the FEZ file we just wrote. The font source file can be either Glyphs, UFO, or even TrueType binary. (Source files work better for handling things like anchors.) There’s also rudimentary support for FontLab .vfj source files.

    The reason we provide the font source file is that FEZ needs to be able to look at the glyphs in the font and take action based on various glyph properties. This gets exciting, and we’ll see examples of it later.

  • If that went well, we will have an Adobe feature file in source/build/features.fea. Now we need to get those rules into the font binary:

    fonttools feaLib -o fonts/ttf/MyFont-Regular.ttf source/build/features.fea fonts/ttf/MyFont-Regular.ttf


    fonttools feaLib -o (final font) (FEA file we made) (exported font)

    but in our case we want to write the final font onto the same file we exported from Glyphs.

Congratulations! You’ve made your first font with FEZ rules. Now since that was a bit of a process, you might want to write a build script or a Makefile to put those two commands (fez2fea and fonttools feaLib) together - especially if you also use fontmake to export your font file:

fontmake -o variable -g source/MyFont.glyphs
fez2fea source/MyFont.glyphs source/MyFont.fez > source/build/features.fea
fonttools feaLib -o fonts/ttf/MyFont-VF.ttf source/build/features.fea variable/MyFont-VF.ttf

They say I should put a motivating example here

In the introduction, I mentioned that FEZ is expressive and extensible. Let’s look at an example of that. We’ll break down how to write code like this in the next chapter, but seeing it in action will give you an example of what FEZ is all about.

Let’s suppose we’re working on a Myanmar font and want to form below-base conjuncts. The basic rule for this is: if we see the sequence virama-myanmar followed by some consonant, we replace it with the corresponding glyph whose name ends with the .below suffix if that glyph exists.

Writing these features in AFDKO requires us to write out all the possibilities by hand:

feature rlig {
  sub virama-myanmar ka-myanmar by ka-myanmar.below;
  sub virama-myanmar kha-myanmar by kha-myanmar.below;
  sub virama-myanmar ga-myanmar by ga-myanmar.below;
  sub virama-myanmar gha-myanmar by gha-myanmar.below;
  # ...
} rlig;

There are various problems with this:

  • It’s boring and repetitive. I mean, we’ve got a computer right here that is really good at doing boring and repetitive tasks for us. We should probably use it.

  • It’s error-prone. How sure are you that you listed all of them? When you took away the glyphs that don’t form conjuncts, did you also remove the rules from the feature file? You now have two things to keep in sync.

  • It obscures the intent. Make sure that you understand this, because it is one of the philosophical keys behind FEZ.

    Because we are manually expressing all the possibilities, we are telling the computer not just what to do but also explicitly how to do it. We had a general rule in our head - virama + consonant = subjoined - but we’ve been forced to convert it to a lot of specific rules. In this particular example, that’s not too bad because they’re a nice pattern and you can work out the “what” based on the “how”. In a moment, we’ll see another example where the “what” is completely obscured by the “how”.

FEZ attempts to allow you to express rules closer to the “what” level. What we want to do is replace virama + consonant-forming-below-form with the subjoined form. Here’s one way to express it:

DefineClass @subjoining_consonant = hasglyph(/$/ ".below");

Feature rlig {
  Substitute virama-myanmar @subjoining_consonant -> @subjoining_consonant.below;

Don’t worry if you don’t understand the syntax right now! We’re only at the start of the manual, and we’ll unpack it in later chapters! But to briefly explain what this is doing:

  • First we define a class subjoining_consonant which consists of all the glyphs for which there is a corresponding glyph in the font with the same name plus .below.

  • Then we ligate the sequence virama-myanmar followed by one of those consonants with the corresponding .below glyph.

Now if you add or remove glyphs from the font, you don’t need to update your rules, because your rules are expressing what to do, not how to do it. The computer works out the how. That’s what computers are for.

Here’s another way to say it:

DefineClass @conjunct = /\.below$/;
DefineClass @subjoining_consonant = @conjunct~below;

Feature rlig {
  Substitute virama-myanmar @subjoining_consonant -> @conjunct;
  • First we define the class of glyphs whose names end in .below.

  • Define a class containing the glyphs in @conjunct but with the .below suffix lopped off.

  • We ligate virama-myanmar plus each member of the subjoining class for each member of the @conjunct class.

Here’s how I would say it:

Feature rlig {
  Substitute virama-myanmar /.below$/~below -> $2;
  • Find all the glyphs that end in .below, lop the .below off, and substitute that with the thing you first thought of.

Finally, here’s another way to say it:

Feature rlig {
  Substitute virama-myanamar ka-myanmar -> ka-myanmar.below;
  Substitute virama-myanamar kha-myanmar -> kha-myanmar.below;

Of course this rather defeats the point of the language. But it is worth repeating: you can program FEZ this way if you want to. The fancy stuff is just there to help you. You don’t need to use it if you don’t want to. In fact, that’s the point of expressibility - there’s more than one way to do it, and you choose the one that best fits your understanding of the task and the language. As you get more comfortable with the language, you will be able to take more shortcuts.

One more example before we look at the language in depth. We’re still doing Myanmar. Again we’ll start with Adobe feature syntax:

@w2 = [ka-myanmar gha-myanmar cha-myanmar nnya-myanmar ta-myanmar tha-myanmar
       bha-myanmar ya-myanmar la-myanmar sa-myanmar ha-myanmar a-myanmar];

No rules for now, just a class. But why those particular glyphs? Well, they happen to be the ones that, when following a medial ra, we will later substitute the medial ra with a wide form of the glyph:

sub medialRa-myanmar' @w2 by medialRa-myanmar.w2;

But how did that class come about, with those exact glyphs in it? How do we convince ourselves that we have the right glyphs? What if the font changes - are they still the right glyphs? Did we forget any?

Here’s one way to say that in FEZ:

DefineClass @w2 = @baseconsonants & (width > 800);

Oh, now I see what you mean! You want all the glyphs which are part of the base consonants class and additionally have a width of over 800 units. Expressing it this way isn’t going to go wrong; we won’t leave out a glyph by mistake, nor do we need to update the rule when the font changes. We’re expressing intent, not action.

This idea of expressing intent not action reaches its height in extensibility. Extensibility means that you can package up the computation of different rules into their own “verbs” in the FEZ language. What does this mean? A common task in Devanagari is to replace the form of the i-matra (ikar) glyph with a width-specific form based on the width of the base character following it. In AFDKO, it’s something like this:

feature pres {
  sub iMatra-deva' [ ... width 2 glyphs here ... ] by iMatra-deva.w2;
  sub iMatra-deva' [ ... width 3 glyphs here ... ] by iMatra-deva.w3;
  sub iMatra-deva' [ ... width 4 glyphs here ... ] by iMatra-deva.w4;
} pres;

And then of course you have to work out which glyphs go in which class. But again, we have a computer which can work it out for you. Here’s how you say it in FEZ:

LoadPlugin IMatra;

Feature pres {
  IMatra @consonants : iMatra-deva -> /^iMatra-deva/;

We’ve extended the language using the IMatra extension which adds a new verb to the language called IMatra. Then we use this verb to compute and perform the substitutions for us. The intent is practically self-describing.

Hopefully I’ve convinced you that this is a good thing to do. Now let’s look at how the FEZ language works.